I was lucky nuff to meet Tajai from S.O.M when he came over for the Hip Hop Summit in AK years back... he had just finished smashing some shots back at the after party and on his way back to hotel, shook the bros hand and said sup, hanging out on the streets outside the club... too young with no i.d. Impressed to hear he still smashing things... tight clip, wiicked overlays!, sick flows... dope beat and amazing art by Steven Lopez!.
As a hearty Warriors fan in years gone by... tuning in to watch the full game VS the Broncos was a hard one, having them go on to win last week VS the Tigers and this weekend VS the Storm... makes one feel the flame burning hotter than ever! Stacey Jones will be smiling on this one. Epic Win and congrats to the Warriors! Grandfinal time! I hope all the bros I know in Sydney will be out in force for this one! to see the full highlights click here.
Few things more inspiring than walking past a massive crowd of Rugby supporters from all around the world and hearing them chant "Warriors!, Warriors!!" TOO MUCH!
I will be hoping for a bit of this come Grand Final time.
When I first saw Super Meat Boy pop up on Gamespot.com I thought 'ohh yeah another wack attempt at reliving the glory days of Sonic and Super Mario'. Apon installing and loading it up... by the first intro movie I felt like I was travelling back in time... this was the experiance I had hoped for in 'Scott Pilgrim' after I watched the movie. It felt as though I was traveling back in time to when I used to sneak into my mates room at 5:30 before school to jam out on his megadrive. The stylistic yet simple animation reminded me of the finishing movies in street fighter 2, the ones you would spend all of the 20cent coins you pinched out of your Nannys change jar to see. Priceless. I was back in 'Franks' dodgy arcade... the half arcade half porn video store I grew up and first played games in.
The game itself has the speed of sonic the hedgehog with the quick rewards of a good round at original Donkey Kong. I finished the first several stages so quick I instanly had the feeling that 'I still got it' creep apon me. Despite a decade or so absence from the world of platformers. This I feel speaks of the great and highly inteligent level layout. The early stages prepare you for the fire and blade covered hurdles to come, not only in the skill sense but also in the passion and drive to keep going, knowing that you have achieved each jump before and now all you have to do is link them together, is a real motivator.
Of course then comes the ball and chain... the hard parts, of which there are many. In these times you not only have to have your muscle memory on form but also your hand eye and memory of the ever expanding stage... when you complete one section and think that you can sail to the end, alot of the time... there are one or two more obstacles ahead.
Artistcly... Genius. I truelly feel that with a multiplayer feature and perhaps level creator, that THIS game would become perhaps the first game to truelly rival the likes of Angry Birds... although perhaps controller wise the game would be a lot harder on a phone. There remains few things in my gaming career that make me happier than flying through the air as a piece of meat... laughing at the meat grinders and lazer beams and gliding toward a nigh imposibble to reach finish line. Donkey Kong on Coke.
The challenge and beauty of being stumped and having to just turn the game off are in my opinion somthing which add to this game... it does not hand the hamburger to you on a plate, so to speak. Apon reaching the end of each stage you get to watch all your other attempts aswell as your successfull one in replay. The fails are all ghosts (I.E Gran Turismo) and the Successfull one is full with the original colour. The want to either air punch in happiness or flip the screen the bird after completing a difficult stage are definaley part of what makes this game CULT status.
I have to give THIS game 10 Once Were Warriors fried eggs out of 10!
Super Meat Boy... a bully that takes you back in time to bash you harder than when you stole coins to play Snow Bros... over and over again. Just as statisfying as beating up the bullys of your childhood.
A Massive win for Indie games! multiple throwback playable characters availibe too! WHAT MORE DO YOU WAN'T?!?
Threw this one on randomly while looked for a trailer for Chuck Close(2007)...
Listened and looked... partially. Meanwhile I picked up my officemax permanent marker. Then looked around and ripped part of my camera's plain cardboard packaging box off and then heard Chuck say "every square inch had to phsically be made out of the same mark"... and put this down:
Had to laugh when I thought him say 'The Cooning" @ 10:10 after I had been drawing this for several minutes prior. Makes you wonder was I actin inate in drawing the same 'Hip Hop' Jordan I did when I was young... or was the title of his work cliche and funnily coincidental with a moment in time which would occur on a small island, next to a small Island in the South Pacific?.
Back to Back to the Future...
Just re-watched this the other day... probably the best movie ever to crash on the couch watching after smashing back some Formula 44 :). Michael J Fox For The Win!. Props to em for busting some sweet skating out too! THE MAN! Alot more complex and pioneering than I realised at first. Meke Movie... sick skating scene.
After re-igniting my violent love and dark passion for comics this year through an Epic buy on trademe of some Transformers comics and some hearty reading of Neil Gaimens works I was driven to look into the world of probably the most immortal of all the mortal super heroes... Bruce Wayne, Batman.
A step in the right direction was not too hard to take, for comparative to his DC counterparts who have made the transition to the big screen such as Superman and more recently Green Lantern... he has NEVER taken too much a a loss. Whether the realms of working with such a character are harder to fault because of how 'human' he is, is arguable. Whatever the reasons may be... Bruce Wayne remains, on top of his game.
In watching the Dark Knight, you are drawn in again. In finding 'Batman Under The Red Hood' I was intrigued but also inspired. On flicking through the first quarter of the flick before heading off to school this morning... my mind was instantly blown. This probably has NEVER happened to me before. I was gutted to have to leave for School.
In coming home this evening and throwing it back on, a buzz hit me... probably the closest feeling I have had to watching 'The Dark Knight' since I saw the movie... including watching the trailer to the sequel. In anticipation of watching the movie I remembered my Batman Cup that I got from the Dark Knight and exactly where is was sitting at that exact moment.
The reality is... Legendary writing can make something with a lesser budget completely annihilate something with a 'huge budget' and some dick heads talented Son writing it. Such is the case with THIS animated movie VS the live action Green Lantern. I was sooo exited to see The Green Lantern... not only to watch TaikaWaititi(Boy, Flight of the Concords) because he is from my Tribe... but also because I liked what I knew of the story and the trailer looked dope, THIS on the other hand:
a. I had never heard of.
b. Was not in a mood to watch.
c. associated the animation with all the other Marvel style full length animated flicks that have come out of recent.
This movie has the f#cken goods. I have a feeling that it could slot in nicely in the Batman Movie after the next... Solid f#cken gold! I want so badly to tell you what the twists are... but they are what make this a f$ckensiick and Epic first watch flick. Class Class Class. The red hood gets my vote for best new/old Superhero... not knowing all too much about the DC universe apologies if this is not a new story, but it is indeed one that placed the DC writers once again above the Marvel ones. That is not something I completely agree with... but looking at planet Hulk VS this, you can't really argue.
I have to rate this... A MUST WATCH. 10 golden Batman Rolexes, capable of becoming grappling hooks or calling the Batmobile and taking you to Wayne Manor.
One of NZ's finest DnB DJ's... The Golden Balls, DJ Gull!!
Did this one up from an old pic that the bro had been given, think its probably one of the dopest things to have given the name. One Hell of a DJ. Once wanted to fill his room with a pack of seagulls so that when he got back from work he opened the door and "blaaaow!!" with the DnB cranking he would never have seen it coming!!!.