A dark journey beyound dreams to somewhere sacred and cursed.
The instruments of torture are used to deadly degree throughout this tale of travels to the dark side. Having convinced myself that I would not going be enjoying watching this film and that it was cheesy Hollywood BS within the first five to ten minutes of watching this film I immediately padded myself inside my observation lounge on Mt Doom... a place where I could watch and judge all things of horror with my own dark sense of security. Gallantly laughing as I entered the torture chamber that the host had in store for me (Director James Wan ) I laughed at his tools, for I had seen and felt every which was that these tools could be worked apon my being and had long since forgotten to fear them. To my surprise it was as though none of them where real and apon closer inspection they were all plastic knock offs... suddenly things became a lot more interesting.
Reflecting about the room and glancing at this intriguing demonic setting I know found myself in a place of wonder... when without warning slowly but surely my mind started to pull my head down... as if to be a metaphor for how I was now feeling... allowing myself into this scenario without fear nor care I had left myself open. My eyes dropped downward, a nerve in the back of my eyeball gripped tight... I was standing not in a torture chamber but on a roof.. below the dirty and mold covered glass and in between the two rusty steel support girders I could see something stir.
The floors began to crack, slowly. Loud and painful the bass of the cracking surging through me. My attention drew back down toward the shadowy silhouette... now with my eyes transfixed only apon the unhuman blurry figure stirring moving quicker than any human in the way a clumsy Panther might if it were half Hell Hound. THIS and THESE are the feelings which the movie stirred in my mind, rare is it I find myself drawn into another realm. This realm was convincingly Evil and twisted, demonic and sullen.
This Movie makes Screams latest offering sit right back alongside the spoof movie it spawned in Scary Movie. I puts twists into a road which you thought was a deserted desert full of huge sand worms that devour all things. Constantly pushing and pulling at your nerves in a way Doctor Giggles wishes that he had. Maneuvering right in and removing a tumor from a rotten corpse which you sit numb and confused, the razor blade of worry never leaves your side.
In my opinion this is the type of movie that you can only imagine has been resurrected from a Japanese or Eastern European Horror. The way it ticks doesn't seem native to the Western Hollywood minded madman. Throughout this flick you see achievements that could easily have been failures... a genuine love for the message and the feeling is ever present in every speck of dust that imprint onto the film. I achieves things that it could easily have failed, things that Hollywood overlook time and time again.
Its razor blade success in my opinion is down to an all around amazing effort, from Cast to Direction, Art Direction, Post Production, CGI... this film remains balanced and well drawn. I would like to see the same team re create Todd Mc Farlanes Spawn in film form. Stand out imprints on my mind are the lack of fear when using older filming techniques... not only shot wise but in terms of using a darkened set over a green screen. Resident evil 1 in a flick, scare wise this comes close. Amazing discipline within budget... I can imagine how much overtime has been put into this project also... VERY WELL DONE... Hence the me NOT dropping F-ALL spoilers!
Other recent films in its caliber... hmm not many... if any... put Triangle deserves a mention.
Well don FilmDistrict, Stage 6 Films, Alliance Films and co!
Amazing writing Leigh Whannell
A gold class last action hero ticket to a new dimension of fright
Insidious Trailer: