Sitting back after a dirty road trip to a hectic small town gig on my own, this album seemed to call to me. The grimey hours in the back seat with the boys, talking about what boys talk about... drinking booze and partying it up and all things in between. As the first tune 'hells bells' rings in my ears hours after leaving the back door of the club minutes after a.) downing mulitple types of alch's and b.) after finishing the set, I feel a respect for all that which has taken place. Even the throbbing headache blurred only by more pain killers and shots... seems like some sh#t I asked for. The ringing of the tinitus... which I hadn't heard for some time seems in retrospect to have an aura of 'rock star' to it.
Having grown up with my big brother loving metal and rocked out with my hair looking like Bon Scotts' last night also makes the second tune hit home, "shoot to thrill, and I'm ready to kill"..."pull the trigger". With a nice Junglist style break down feel at one point in the tune... it draws something a lot more rugged out of the chords than could be done by any other band. The break downs in this album keep the vibe rolling as hard as a metalheadz dnb classic. Goldie would approve.
The album has a 'stomp your f#cken head into your feet!' feel to it. Track three (What Do You Do For Money Honey) rips some sh#t up with the addition of some hearty backing vocals by the rest of the band. The thing I love about this band is that they create such space that the lyrics, in all their raspy glory... seem to always get heard, amidst such epic milliatary 'shredding' this is impressive... makes me want to know who mixed it all down. Pro.
By the time "give the dog a bone" kicks into its second verse I almost feel like ACDC need their own genre of electronica.. as well as 'legendary band status'. With the constant guitar rolling the main riff which runs with the vocals striding solid and shredding also 'hitting its butchers best'.. I realise just how tight this music is.. true Legendary muso's in their own right. The military drums set the musical scene ten times as much as any 808 kick ever did for any house tune.
'Let me put my love into you' left me on some "pause for reflection buzz". This carnal nature that the song stirs about wanting someone with such a raw instinctive passion that would lead one to say something like "let me put my love into you" brings out the 'inner devil'. I guess in the way that it does though it has almost a Buddhist feel to it, the honesty is on some higher level... whether it's higher Evil or not remains to be seen.
At the point in the LP when "back in black" hits I find myself firmly rocking back and forth in my comfortable office chair... feeling as though I might rather to be sitting on a beer crate at a bikey pad more. Luckily before I decide to throw my new chair outside in replacement for a box of beers the next stomper is in... one all too familiar... " you shook me all night long"... f#ck yes!!! f#ck yess!!
It's the sort of music that makes a man see his woman as they should.. a badass mamma sex machine!!. This instantly paints a vision in my head of an old mechanic/biker still rocking out with his lady 30 years after they met... with the same fire that they had the first firey night!. In the only way I know to say it... I have to say "f#cken TUUUNE!!".
Although the want to rewind it back to relive the last tune... having smashed back some wine for brekkie and hearing em talk about it on the next tune: "have a drink on me" again causes the blood to boil... drinking all the different f#cken drinks I did last night and the damn shots... the nasty @ss $7 cider... and then giving the bro the nasty bourbon which was left - "Yes ACDC, I think I may have a drink on you... I promise to skull this f#cken Just Juice just like it was straight meths!" I think "have a drink on me!" will be some sh#t I will be yelling very, very soon.
Talking about "the wrong side of the law" straight in the next pub banging smasher... makes me feel like it would be criminal NOT to get an ACDC poster in my house, "shake a legs" subject matter... sums up a lot of what was talked about between me and the boys in the last 48 hours of epic road trip!. Wetdreams... you name it... all things 'bro'... NWA would be getting their head nod on to this one. "shake your head, wake up Jed!".
The sweet sound of the inhale on the last tune with the talks of 'throw away your fancy clothes and while you're out there sitting on a fence, get off your @ss and get down here..." I raised my Just Juice to that one, good honest... straight up music. Not enough of that in our world! "Rock and Roll ain't noise pollution, Rock and Roll it will survive". Amen. This is indeed a masterful album... start to finish it pulls you deeper and deeper into the soul of what they were about. To where "Rock and Roll ain't noise pollution" becomes 'The Chant' that you feel your own mind chanting and agreeing with, because the connections to its meaning seem so far beyond just the music that it would be unnatural not to.
CHUR ACDC, big f$cken horn fingers.
66 out of 66 horn fingers.
Spell AC\DC much?
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