Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Neo+Constantine in Equalibrium city >> desert + cowboy/vampire Karl Urban=

Priest (2011). (spoilers as bro)

Starring Paul Bettany and starting with the wiicked Samurai Jack animation, sets the scene for some 300 like action. I would be lying if I said this didn't make me like the movie already. The story goes that mankind and the Vamps had a war for 'years' and shit hit boiling point. After which mankind even with flame throwers was getting pwned, despite hitting the vampires mountain made mansions for target practice for theyre battleship like guns... in a world where they drive around in the desert on bikes that look and sound like Anakin Skywalkers speeder you would think that they had somthing bigger than a 50 cal?. Anyway to cut a short story longer... the only fix is a group called the 'Priests' a gang of peeps that rock hoodies and facial tats, again this was a plus in my books. 

Anywho... not long after mankind gets rolled and ends up in a city with huge walls, the Priests become obsolete and then are forced to walk around the cty moping about the 'better days'... like 38 year old good charlotte fans reminicing bout the early two thousands.

The priest gets wild as anything when he finds out that his brother and niece got rolled by the Vampire nation, who are supposed to be repressed and living in reservations now. Re-enter Karl Urban... who once having been The Preists right hand brother aka Robert Downey with Tobey Maguire in 'Satans Alley' is now emo and for some reason is killing his daughter to get back at him or some sh#t? blah blah...The Church get pissed as sh#t when they learn that despite telling the Priest to NOT go out and slay Buffys mates he went and did it anyway. So they send the other Preists to roll em and teach em 'that to go against the church, is to go against God' the slogan they push harder than Coke does theyre own. One of them is the Priests old mate who was there when Karl Urban got pulled back into the darkness... all those years ago. 

The Preist and his bro, aka Deputy/son-in-law go to one of the Native American reserves... sorry I mean skinhead vampires reserves, and after introducing themselves to the local Twilight fan club, end up stabbing and shooting up them and theyre 'Masters' who rock out to get rolled just after night falls... which is what the dude below is telling him now "its nearly night time bro, your f$%cked as bro"(below). but no.. "Wrong skinhead dying dude" they all get smoked by his ninja star crosses. Badass.

They then decide to go back to the mountain where Urban got the bash. After some snooping around and flashbacks to scenes of the last time the Priest was there he finds his old chick Priest mate from back in the day. She's all G with him and they end up rolling a 'Guardian' which is in essence a 'Big Ass Vampire' and reminded me of what the dude turns into in Underworld... that half-cast Vamp/Wolf thing.

It turns out that because the dumb Church anti vamp f#ckers did not get rid of that damn mountain... the Vamps decided to spawn a new army and roll the town closest. To do so they merely dug a massive hold toward the city, which all seems pretty logical. Although why in the f#ck would they not build a small hole to get the Massive @ss Vamp out? did they need him to check the twilight fan emails? its the simple things that get to me. Ah well... moving on...
So Karl Urban whips the Kungfu preist with a Mortal Kombat classic: Kano's heart rip. Which is pretty sweet esp after he does some epic moves in front of him... like a button masher on his last bits of life.  He then asks the other two remaining priests whom represent the African American and Latino communities respectively, if they would join him? turns out that they said no... and by the time that The main Preist and his mates get to the town where Urban just laid the smack down... the other two Preists are pwned and now on crosses, which means they did said 'no?" you keep wondering whether they in fact did ask to join Urban? I think thats 'some rascist sh#t'... because of theyre nationalitys and African and Latinos deep connection to church... but also to gang culture I guess why this thought stirs. The could have been down with the dark side?,

After some 'touchy touchy' with the other chick priest and an epic moment watching a train the vampires have hijacked and are riding into the city. He nearly lets the Deputy Son kill him but then informs is  his 'son in law' and they get on theyre Star Wars bikes and like Woody and Wesley 'on they way to hit the 'Moneytrain'. The Deputy gets the job of ticket collector and stumbles around the train looking for his Missus/the priests daughter. Meanwhile the priest ends up jumping on top of the train and finds Urban for a good old catch up. While the female preist sets some c4 on the tracks and lays the smack down on the biker gang from 'The Book of Eli' who were catching the train with the vampires coincidentally. favorite kill has to be another mortal kombat special... the old throw him in the air and blow him apart with the spear trick. Mean... Scorpion would approve.

The Preist meanwhile is still having the heart to heart with Urban although now it also involves a couple of casual punches and some ass whooping. After getting the 'Ali' punch to the face in slow mo, the priest ends up under the train, where he ends up pulling the Zombie floor bash and coming up right under the deputy... who looks stoaked to see him. Seeing as while The two priests have done some epic sh#t and all he has done was walk around the same part of the train for awhile I guess he should be stoaked too.
Urban takes the girl back to the top of the train... etc etc... other stuff pretty much the same happens aka Preist rolls Urban with the same cross Urban stuck him to the wall with...  etc etc. I unlike a lot of people will leave the rest a mystery so that when u watch it, if you do... you do not have my dumb review commentary in your head... the entire time... will spare you the end. Good c#nt aye?

All up... chur, better than that dumb Angel Movie that he did, still on the Cristian buzz though. Far better than Doom for Urban, who by the way was once again a hybrid that nobody else had been before. Had some good comparisons to Equalibrium. Definatley a good watch... hard to pick how big the budget was, but they defiantly did pretty good sh#t with it. My only critique could be that I didnt see more different monsters... but I guess that Trollerjen and  Lord Of The Rings are about the only series that really nails that one for me and that is THIS movie they probably would not have been explainable?.

Better Vampire Movie than a lot of them, reminded me also of Dantes Inferno crossed with Judge Dread with a sprinkle of Equilibrium and pinch of Constantine. Given that these are all projects I thought were 'the sh#t'... I thought this movie was f#$king mean.  

downgraded from 9 mainly because of that other movie, Cowboys and Aliens... which just reminded me of this because Urban is Rocking a Cowboy hat:

8.0 burnt crosses out of 10 for this one.

solid story, nice direction... bit short, but epic fatalities for the win. Heres the trailer:

new blog officially started!

The Don Of Orcland Kong!!


For all of my fellow gamers out there and for all the people that enjoyed The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters (2007) I figured that I had better do a game review on the game termed as 'THE BEST of THE BEST'.

Well where do I start? I guess that I can admit that I too had grown up with this game, although in my experiance it was a game that never got the shine that the likes of Street Fighter II  did. No not in my life of 'spaceys'. I can only admit to remebering it from a Spacey Parlour in downtown Auckland, where we used to go to after Rugby games while in the city.

I still remember looking at the screen and thinking 'what the hell is that about' I remember going there with my older brother who I considered a 'pro gamer' and watching him tell me not to waste my money on the game and that it was 'too hard you little dickhead!'. I did however give the game a tiny bit of my time once or twice. Two occasions when I went to the city with my little mates, at the age of 7ish. At 7 you don't listen to a thing your peers tell you Esp not your big brother. Well I mean you hear it... but do not abide by it, for me it was like a quest to proove that I had solved or 'clocked' one of lifes truths before others had.

Needless to say... I got pwned. I think I threw away more than a few 20cent coins to that damn machine. But what it gave me that other machines did not... was a ticket to a dimension of gaming FEAR, a fear that I could not over come. That fear now sat firmly in my mind in the very spot where the gaming machine was. The different thing was that THIS GAME was not just somthing you could spend a few bucks on and conquer. This game was different.The first time I watched the movie, I cried. It was not only the path that the underdog had taken but it also felt as though it was a part of my life that could have unfolded into some epic journey to beat that game. It took me back to when I first saw that damn machine with its stupid simple looks and platforms.

After watching the Movie King Of Kong more than a few times I decided that it was time to let the bad bwoy loose, time to change back from the FPS monster who eats chumps at Battlefield and Left for Dead... into the little boy that was beaten by the Donkey Kong machine in Central Auckland, all those many games ago.

I ended up jamming the game alot by myself, because earlier this year I took a time off gaming and let go of my FPS addiction for over a month. After than period... I installed Donkey Kong, after some tweaks to get the  MAME | Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator working from my bro 'G-MAN' I was away.Him and I competed online through chat to see who had gotten the highest score... the initial stages are hard as anything. The barrels never ever let you feel comfort and to be honest the only times I ever got past the first 3 levels with ease... I felt as though I had the courage of Neo charging into a sea of agents. The First spring stage is a true test, the elevators are treacherous andf easy once you know them but the springs are a different story altogether. Not something to take lightly. Your timing has to be spot on and the lure of extra points near the end in the form of a cupcake is easily overshadowed by the pure feeling of "Ive nearly f#$king made it!... f#ck getting that f$cking thing!, get me out of here!".

Apon surpasing the damn springs though, things do not get easier... when coming back to the same looking board as the first you tend to feel comfort, this is what that 'damn dirty Ape' wants you to feel. The barrels know not mercy... theyre AI I felt rivalled the best FPS I have faced, which made no sense given the whole game is not even close to 1 megabyte. Braving the barrells again you are sent back to the girder/fire stage again... which seeing as I havent explainged comes after the first board and is the closest thing in that damn game that one gets to a break.

The goal in that mode is to take apart the platforms so that DK drops... which is usually OK and apon mastering the 'fire jump' things probably get easier. This was a skill the bro G-man learned that I never had the nerve for, I took the MC Hammer approach. After one more spring stage... which is alot harder given that you have to stand in exactly the right place and there are now 2 springs. After those stages comes THIS magical vision (picture below)... an escalator like stage with pies and fires... which I only got past by charging it upwards and getting to the retracting ladders before the fires multiply.

I can say that I only ever got to the stage after this a handfull of times and never got too much further. But I can say is that THIS game made me a better person, it feels as though it is a Martial art and I reckon it is  the only game that Bruce Lee would have approved of. I loved every second playing it and I will no doubt resume my quest for the top at some point. Above all I am greatful for that Movie and THIS game for giving so many people the heart and magic back to talk about gaming. Its NOT just a game, THIS was a portal back to when I believed I could do anything... except be good at this game and thanks to THIS game I was able to time travel back and kick some @ss Quantum Leap

Im sure Billy Mitchell and Steve Wiebe would agree...
I am giving this game a 40,000 out of 40,000 that was around the highest score I ended up getting before I uninstalled and probably around the amount of hours playing it seemed to take off my life but give to my soul.

Storyline:Enigmatic, but let down by ending

Below is the portrait of a Me, a child who beat his fears and got as close to rescuing the girl as the best of them.

This was the only screen shot that I found I still had. I still remember the exact game where I got that record.

F-ART = Fail Art


In looking at these 6 pictures merged into one f#$cked up photoshop job at best, all I can think is EPIC FAIL. I know the demise of each of these pictures like Stephen King knew the demise of his creations. The one in the top left 'Grommel the Space Seagull" was used as a coaster for Woodstock bourbon and because unsightly with the stains of it merging with fused pubic hairs and dandruff.

The two pictures at the top middle and top right were both chopped into ninja stars and thrown at the water tank outside my Dads house. The dried paint and plastic paper flesh of them... took some more of my brain cells as they departed toward Ash City.

The one at the bottom left, still sits underneath a hole in the wall where a rotten mouse had died and poured it's innards into the page. Ironic I think, seeing at originally I made the picture around old blood stains of my own,

The one in the bottom middle, I put into a frame... having chopped it up to fit it into the frame, it lost it's soul as a failed plastic surgery patient... it was then cast away. Into an old red rubbish bag during one of the many cleans of the piles of dank and mold covered paper.

The Last was given as a present to a friend, during an argument it was found stashed under my friends bed... I tore the head off the piece and ripped the remaining parts into tiny bits. The were then put into a bit with old fabric off-cuts. The head remained in my wallet for sometime.Until I think I did a fart with it in my back pocket... and the meaning of it being 'a prayer from Hawaiiki' made me feel as though I had disrespected the meaning. So I dropped it off the back of a boat on the journey back to my Island.

R.I.P Fail Art.

 atleast it was remebered in its demise.

Let Me In (2010) review

Let Me In (2010) aka The Road 2 + Kick Ass 2 = Let The Right One In... in English.
directed by Matt Reeves 

In reading the title you might be thinking... whats the point in reading the rest? and while I think that although in some respects it did feel like that exact mixture of movies left to its own devices... it had some orignal 'hauntedness' all of its own. The original Let The Right One In (2008) is deadly simular and probably a better movie for its originality alas the Swedish tounge is lost on me and is based on a novel of the same title.

I should point out that while watching it with my girl and good bro, they both were like 'wtf is this depressing sh$t' about 20 minutes in, with the only inspiration to keep watching coming from the bro who said: "well f#ck, I mean we've watched this much so far..". Not long after the film was stopped and we were watching 'Paul'.

I however was enjoying the sh#t out of the movie and loved the depressed little emo boy called Owen (Kodi Smit-McPhee) who kept getting the bash. During this cross section of Owens wussy life and at the same time some Shday balding old Dude(Richard Jenkins) and his young cracked out looking Daughter (Chloe Moretz) slowly move in the pits of hell to an apartment down the hallway from where the boy lives. The whole time the boy is getting the bash it made me think of the legend that 'everyone hurts'. In this movie... when I finnally resumed the watch the night after watching the start of film before stopping for 'Paul', I could not help but resonate with the darkness. In the cold winter morning here watching some other poor emo stabbing up a tree in the snowy and icey cold because he can't sort his sh#t out, made me feel a lot better about not cleaning the bits of chicken off the leyboard from the night before.

The movie goes through some epic-same old sh#t-ness the whole way. His life sucks and Shes on some Evil sh#t... pretty much sums up the movie, the only way I could descibe it other than that would be that his life progressivley sucks more and more til breaking point and that she starts out innocent as a virgin ice fairy and turns into Carrie and Damiens crack-head-Vampire lovechild who was raised by the couple in 'The Notebook"... dunno IMO anyway. Shrug.

Wiicked watch, reminded me of Peter Jacksons 'Lovely Bones' because it doesnt really have too much of a conclusion in the traditional rainbow and sunset way. The same kind of "wtf... oh thats kinda f#cked/cool" and I def found it ironic that the little girl ends up in a trunk... the chick on Lovely Bones does too. Just the sort of Movie people who thought suicide might be just 'cool' in a melancholy way might like.

I would definatley say its like scrapeing some black heads from behind your ear... its always a bit skungy and effed up to find em there... but pulling them out with the grip of your slightly overgrown nails makes the whole process  a nice blend of grotesque, depressing, painfull and deeply satisfying... in the same way that 'The Lovely Bones' was, when Mark Wahlberg runs up on the killer... then later he gets pwned off a cliff by an icicle. 

Oh yeah and there is a cop too who is kinda there so that YOU remember to THINK as a loving caring normal Human.... other than that, he's a good actor going bald? and MIGHT have figured it out, probably not though... I think he's also there to re-iteratethat its supposed to be sad and depressing when aging?.

F#ck OFF with the BOTOX-IMMORTALITY mainstream media. Biggups Elias Koteas and Richard Jenkins for rocking a Friar Tuck/Kimbo Slice fade:

9 dead cock roaches out of 10.

Heres the trailer.

scored this for a 'buy'... now

I had an epic rip on Michael Bay the other week on the social network, and found s$it loads of peeps who agree he came along and did his best to f$ck with the legacy of the Transformers, Its hard telling young cats how utterly BS these movies are. Esp in comparison to the epic-ist show that started just before I had to leave for school... which single handedly is probably one of the main reasons my trasition from middle school to highschool was so mud.

But I dunno... I guess not everyone used to hustle Transformers for theyre first gaming console?, anyways what Bay Bay did with those movies, f$%^en #$% in my mind etc etc.

A week on and after surfing for some new comics and passing up buying 690 for 1k I figured it was time to drown my sorrows with a lesser purchase, then along came these BAD BWOYS~!!
F$%^ Y3$!!.. my newest purchase!


and again to re-iterate, TRANSFORMERS should NOT have facial hair!: Michael Bay... please punch yourself in the face.

Devils Eye

After being up on it all night, rinsed and ruined from dominating the unending bartab of bourbon the Aotearoa Dubstep AllSTAR boys and I smashed this one out.
I remember Charlie B(Optimus Gryme), Haz (Organikismness) and Woosh all buzzing out at how emo the Truth boys were and how buzzy it was that Andre was insistant on playing the 'iphone' for the tune instead of the bros bad ass in studio synth.

We all had some little jams on the keys... the piano in the lounge, was sick to hear some of the talent in there, hats of to Tristan R knows more than 'chop sticks'. I remember sitting on the couch buzzing hard at the scenario and then suddenly staring outside and asking the bro what was up with the fencing around one of the plants... to which he said: "see that cats bro?"... meanwhile the f#$king cat was outside smashing back the catnip through the mesh. We also had a huge @ss gangsta breakfeast and I helping to cook some sausages, we sat down at the table together and had a mean feed with some well awaited OJ.

to continue the 'beast mode'  
this is what resulted: