Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Devils Eye

After being up on it all night, rinsed and ruined from dominating the unending bartab of bourbon the Aotearoa Dubstep AllSTAR boys and I smashed this one out.
I remember Charlie B(Optimus Gryme), Haz (Organikismness) and Woosh all buzzing out at how emo the Truth boys were and how buzzy it was that Andre was insistant on playing the 'iphone' for the tune instead of the bros bad ass in studio synth.

We all had some little jams on the keys... the piano in the lounge, was sick to hear some of the talent in there, hats of to Tristan R knows more than 'chop sticks'. I remember sitting on the couch buzzing hard at the scenario and then suddenly staring outside and asking the bro what was up with the fencing around one of the plants... to which he said: "see that cats bro?"... meanwhile the f#$king cat was outside smashing back the catnip through the mesh. We also had a huge @ss gangsta breakfeast and I helping to cook some sausages, we sat down at the table together and had a mean feed with some well awaited OJ.

to continue the 'beast mode'  
this is what resulted:

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