Wednesday, 27 July 2011

F-ART = Fail Art


In looking at these 6 pictures merged into one f#$cked up photoshop job at best, all I can think is EPIC FAIL. I know the demise of each of these pictures like Stephen King knew the demise of his creations. The one in the top left 'Grommel the Space Seagull" was used as a coaster for Woodstock bourbon and because unsightly with the stains of it merging with fused pubic hairs and dandruff.

The two pictures at the top middle and top right were both chopped into ninja stars and thrown at the water tank outside my Dads house. The dried paint and plastic paper flesh of them... took some more of my brain cells as they departed toward Ash City.

The one at the bottom left, still sits underneath a hole in the wall where a rotten mouse had died and poured it's innards into the page. Ironic I think, seeing at originally I made the picture around old blood stains of my own,

The one in the bottom middle, I put into a frame... having chopped it up to fit it into the frame, it lost it's soul as a failed plastic surgery patient... it was then cast away. Into an old red rubbish bag during one of the many cleans of the piles of dank and mold covered paper.

The Last was given as a present to a friend, during an argument it was found stashed under my friends bed... I tore the head off the piece and ripped the remaining parts into tiny bits. The were then put into a bit with old fabric off-cuts. The head remained in my wallet for sometime.Until I think I did a fart with it in my back pocket... and the meaning of it being 'a prayer from Hawaiiki' made me feel as though I had disrespected the meaning. So I dropped it off the back of a boat on the journey back to my Island.

R.I.P Fail Art.

 atleast it was remebered in its demise.

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